Frequently Asked Questions
Life at Chesterton Academy
What is the daily schedule?
7:45am to 3pm
What about lunch?
Students bring their own cold lunch and eat in the lunch room.
What is the House system?
At the beginning of the school year, new students are welcomed into one of our four houses by their new housemates. Siblings are assigned to the same house. Once a house has been chosen for a student, he or she will remain in that house until graduation.
Do you accept transfer students?
Chesterton Academy welcomes transfer students each year who come from public, private, homeschool, and online high school environments. We work closely with each transfer student to support success in this transition to Chesterton.
What educational backgrounds do students come from?
Our students come from a wide range of educational backgrounds, including parochial schools, public schools, charter schools, homeschool, and online high schools.
How much homework is required of students?
Chesterton Academy works to limit assigned homework to an hour and a half of homework per evening. We seek to be efficient in the learning process such that students have time in the evenings to spend with their family and to commit to extracurricular activities and after-school jobs. We also build the class schedule to include two free periods per week to accommodate our students. They may use this time to study or to take a break as needed.
Preparing for Your First Day
Is bus transportation available?
Students who live within 15 miles of Chesterton Academy of Rochester are eligible for busing through their home school district. Download a transportation form from your district’s website and submit it to the district by April 1.
What about school uniforms?
The tradition of school uniforms goes back to Medieval times when caps and gowns were required at universities. Thus, all students regardless of background would dress alike, and all would show an outward sign of their dedication to the task of learning together within the university community. In other words, from the very beginning, uniforms have been in support of three goals: modesty, professionalism, and community, or school spirit. Students are expected to be in uniform on the first day of school. As suggested by the Chesterton Network, uniforms are available online from Schoolbelles and the Chesterton Academy of Rochester school code is s2997.
What school supplies are needed?
The school supply list is released in June together with details on summer reading assignments.
Is there a new student orientation session?
All new students are required to attend an orientation session (date/time to be determined). Students will have an opportunity to meet their faculty, review their class schedule, set up their lockers and ask questions prior to the first day of school.
Is there a new parent orientation session?
All new parents are asked to attend an in-depth orientation session. This important session provides parents with information and resources needed to help their student thrive at Chesterton.

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