Why Chesterton Academy?
The students I’ve met from Chesterton Academy of Rochester are some of the healthiest, holiest, and brightest kids I’ve ever met. They seem like they come from a different world – a better, more human world – when compared with other young persons their age. They have a maturity beyond their years. Yet, they also have fun, friends, and are normal in a world that’s increasingly sad, lonely, and abnormal. Consider Chesterton Academy for your family or supporting it, so that its students can thrive - for the good of souls, and for the good of society.
Parochial Vicar at Holy Cross
and Our Mother of Sorrows
Rochester, NY
At Chesterton Academy, everything revolves around Jesus Christ and the Catholic faith. All classes point to the Incarnation as the central event in human history, so students won't just learn about their faith in one class, but across the disciplines. Students read and discuss the Bible, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and papal documents.
Our classical curriculum combines a broad, liberal arts education with a strong emphasis on the development of Christian virtues and an appreciation of beauty.
We work to find talented and dynamic faculty dedicated to the vision and mission of our school. Each faculty and staff member takes the Oath of Fidelity to the Magisterium at the Mass of the Holy Spirit at the beginning of the academic year.
Chesterton Academy’s House system is drawn from the 1,000 year-old tradition of Christian education exemplified in the colleges at Oxford and Cambridge. The Houses provide real, tangible community within the larger school, giving students the opportunity to take ownership, fulfill the call to leadership, and to cultivate the ideal conditions for virtue.
Equal emphasis is given to the arts, so that every student learns to draw and paint, sing in the choir, act on the stage, give speeches, and engage in debate.
Inspired by Pope Saint John Paul the Great, we take as our motto Cultura Vitae, the culture of life. Our goal is for students to accept our Lord’s offer to have life and have it abundantly. We provide many opportunities to deepen their life, including retreats, pilgrimages, sports, clubs, and other activities.
Macbeth - 2024
The Tragedy of Macbeth - 2024
Juniors and Seniors who attend Chesterton Academy can choose to concurrently enroll in a college level class at Franciscan University of Steubenville with a similar scope and sequence.
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